Computer repair Las Cruces NM
'pro-card__text-truncated' : !showFullText9
}" ng-click="showFullText9 = true">I have worked my entire life in the technical and networking service profession with certifications, education, knowledge, skills, and customer relation skills essentials for a successful top level networking administrator position. Computer literate on Windows Operating System 95/98, Windows NT V4, Windows NT 2000, Windows XP Home/Pro, Windows 7/8, Microsoft Office Applications and Novell V3.12 Server. Wireless installations and support for educational institutions and local businesses for data communications security precautions. Knowledgeable in communications equipment such as terminals, hubs, multiplexes, and Cat 5 networking cable. Computer operations on IBM mainframe, Dec Vax, and line printers with monitoring data processing, print queue, and user interactive problems. I provide pc hardware and software support. MS Windows Server 2000 and 2003 platforms. Laser and inkjet printer repairs. Dell and HP computer repairs and upgrades. Most name brands on warranty extensions and service.
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