Computer Laptop - PC - Mac - iPhone - Repair NYC Data Recovery NYC

Computer repair service New York

Services / September 10, 2019

'pro-card__text-truncated' : !showFullText9
}" ng-click="showFullText9 = true">My computer didn't shut down properly. I tried to shutdown, but it hung up and wouldn't shutdown. I shutdown my computer manually. I restarted it and found it had no sound. I tried to upgrade audio codec drivers. It didn' t work. I tried to change the bios. It didn't work. I contacted thumbnail and called Chris and explained my computer problem. He came to my house and got my audio working on my computer. He also got my computer communicating with my printer again. Now I can print, fax, scan and copy. He got my wireless computer system properly configured to take auxiliary computer equipment, e.g., laptops, smartphones, work properly on the wireless WiFi network. He uswd the wireless technology to unclutter some of the wires I used because wireless connectivity wasn't reliable. He updated my OS so that the windows 10 was not running slowly. He informed me that My computer memory is expandable to 8 gig and when I needed to upgrade memory what memory hardware to use for optimum performance of my computer system. He solved my network connectivity problems, my audio problems, my peripheral devices problems, my software driver and hardware utilization problems. He also directed me to what products I should buy to expand my memory to a max of 8 gig. His understanding and ability to solve hardware and software communication issues in the network is excellent. His excellence in skill and price for his work is unmatched. This is very solid computer engineer.

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