Computer repair Shop Management software
From Aksa Networks: Run your own computer repair shop, manage and track pc/laptop/computer repair activities using this microsoft access database, the features are: 1. Customers and Repair Jobs -Search and Filter Function: You can search your customer based on Customer Name (First Name / Last Name), Customer ID, or Customer Email Address to track the progress of computer repair jobs. -Add Customer details: a. Customer ID b. First Name c. Last Name d. Phone Number e. Email Address f. Home / Office Address -Add Repair jobs details: a. Job Description b. Status (In progress / Completed) c. Date started e. Amount ($) 2. Products: -Enter Product / Inventory Name -Enter Product / Inventory Cost or Price in $ -Enter Date of Transaction -Choose the Source of Transaction (Website) -Enter Quantity Sold -Enter Delivery Status 3. Reports: View and print the details of every transaction for both Completed or In progress computer repair jobs.